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rFactor2 Build 1008 released!

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    rFactor2 Build 1008 released!

    Hier mal die vorrausichtlich letzte Build vor dem rF2 Steam release.

    Working Stock Car rules:

    Lucky Dog
    No Lucky Dog to Driver who causes the caution
    Speeding penalty during caution EOLL
    Speeding penalty during green Drive Thru
    Entering Closed pits EOLL penalty
    Green White Checker finish
    In-Car Track Bar Adjustment
    Frozen Field when caution comes out

    Partialy Working Stock Car Rules:

    Double File Restarts - Leader Chooses which lane he starts
    Double File Restarts - Proper line up order of Lead Lap, Lap down, Lucky Dog, Penalty Cars and Wave Arounds - Need feedback from Stock Car Leagues
    Double File Restarts - Wave Around Cars - Do not get penalized yet for pitting before green flag is thrown
    Qualifying Rules - 3 Round format works
    Qualifying Rules - Forcing the use of 1 set of tires for all 3 rounds not working

    Rules not implemented Yet:

    Commitment cone violation for entering the pits
    AI still race back to line when caution is thrown
    All car(s) must maintain their respective track position for the restart, until they cross the start/finish line.
    Blending rule when re-entering the track during green flag conditions
    No passing under double yellow line at Superspeedways

    Known issues (A.I.):

    We need to give the A.I. another look, as improvements in one area can often affect another. The A.I. are quite dynamic and will adjust their line according to grip levels. At Jacksonville, this tends to see them running high up against the wall. With an upcoming update to the core, we would like to try to keep them from scraping the wall as often as they do right now on the ovals. You can disable the 'dynamic superspeedway' code that causes this by changing playerfile value "AI Logic Override" to 2 (as mentioned in the notes below).

    Build 1008 Changelog:

    In order to take full advantage of the stock car features, it is recommended that users do the following:
    1) Enable the StockCarRules.dll and KnockoutQualifying.dll plugins. In single-player, this can be done in the UI Settings. For dedicated servers, operators will have to open the CustomPluginVariables.JSON file (in the UserData\player directory) and set " Enabled" to 1 for both of these plugins.
    2) Download and install the "National Stock Car Racing 2015" mod. This contains many rules settings geared towards stock car racing.

    Added a couple pieces of info to the internals plugins: approximate tire radius, and the pitstop lap distance.
    Added FrontToeOffset and RearToeOffset garage settings which supplement FrontToeIn and RearToeIn.
    Added a tiny bit of configurability to the new 'Low Speed Info' message box. PLR file value "LSI Top" lets you set its vertical position or disable it altogether.
    Implemented the ability for rules plugins to control whether each vehicle is currently allowed to pit.
    Added code to get stock car style gauges to work. will take a number of materials (defined in cockpitinfo.ini file parameter "STOCKCARGAUGE"), and turn them on or off depending on how close the player's speed is to the pitlane speed.
    Added .tbc variable "RoadGrooveSqrdGripEffect" so AIs will experience the same grip curve vs. groove as the human driver does.
    Attempt to get AI drivers to be more flexible in their line following when trying to draft on superspeedways. (humans don't necessarily follow the recorded driving lines) Can be disabled by setting playerfile option "AI Logic Override" to 2.
    Added a gizmo to the UI in order to turn plugins on and off. In the future, you'll also be able to edit custom plugin variables here.

    There exists a new multiplayer.json variable "Plugin Heartbeat Rate" which can be turned off or set to different update rates. In addition, the plugin will be signaled that this is a heartbeat update by setting ScoringInfoV01::mGamePhase to a new value of 9 meaning "paused".

    Fixed slow car cycling
    Fix for missing update cmps
    Fix a problem with admin commands /pitby*
    Fixed mod mode camera editor crash on camera selection by disabling camera naming in the release mod mode.
    Fixed some problems where vehicles were moved or re-initialized at unexpected times.

    Fixed bug with updates not showing in game UI select list.
    Fixed bug when creating vmod with updated components.
    Added ability to normalize collision corridors in the AIW editor (show collision corridors, select waypoints, then select normalize corridors).
    Added # of waypoints selected to the AIW waypoint selection menu header.
    Raised line drawning to be 0.1 meters above the track.

    Zuletzt geändert von OldSchwede; 26.09.2015, 09:48.
    cu OldSchwede

    Wetter ist auf allen Servern installiert.

    Ebenfalls auf dem neuen Server 8.
    Mit eigenem Key für den Wetterserver. Damit haben wir für alle Server eigene Keys, so dass wir alle 3 Minuten auf jedem Server aktuelle Wetterdaten haben.

    Es müssen allerdings noch die neuen Strecken zu den Wetterstationen hinzugefügt werden. Das mache ich im Laufe des Tages.

    "Welcome"-Texte beim Joinen habe ich auch wieder aktiviert.

    8. Platz GT-Klasse - 24h de la Sarthe 2009

    Team GT

    6. Platz GT2-Klasse - 24h de la Sarthe 2011

    Team Stage Line O-GC

    10.Platz GT2-Klasse - 24h de la Sarthe 2012
    Team Stage Line O-GC

    10.Platz GT2-Klasse - 24h de la Sarthe 2013
    Team O-GC GT


      was beinhaltet den das Update v200? Mein Set paßt gar nicht mehr zum aktuellen Kurs, un der Reifenabrieb ist höher als zuvor?
      Konnte ich Anfangs 12 Rd. gehn..bin ich froh die 4te aktuell bis zur Box zu Überstehen.


        Das liegt nicht an der V200.
        Da wurden nur die Einstellungen des Frontflügels ergänzt. Es kann jetzt von 1-40 eingestellt werden, und das wird dann auch korrekt während des Fahrens und in der Box angezeigt.
        Fahrphysik und Reifen sind vollkommen unverändert.

        Das Problem liegt im Update auf die Build 1008.
        Da die Server komplett neu eingerichtet wurden, anstatt wie sonst upzudaten, wurden auch die Strecken neu installiert, und die Gripwerte sind zurückgesetzt worden.

        Leider haben wir versäumt, die wenigstens auf dem F1 Server auf das alte Niveau zu setzen.

        Nun ist es ja so, dass es erst mal für alle gleich ist. Daher hat niemand einen Vor- oder Nachteil.

        Bevor Ihr jetzt anfangt, deswegen wild an den Setups zu schrauben, bitte ich Euch, bis heute Abend zu warten.
        Ich werde erst mal prüfen, ob ich die alten Gripwerte rekonstruieren kann.
        Wenn das nicht möglich ist, werde ich eine neue "RealRoad" anlegen, die genügend Basisgrip hat.

        Weitere Info folgt....

        8. Platz GT-Klasse - 24h de la Sarthe 2009

        Team GT

        6. Platz GT2-Klasse - 24h de la Sarthe 2011

        Team Stage Line O-GC

        10.Platz GT2-Klasse - 24h de la Sarthe 2012
        Team Stage Line O-GC

        10.Platz GT2-Klasse - 24h de la Sarthe 2013
        Team O-GC GT


          Gerry...bester Mann...

